Macon County Schools-2021 Level 5
Macon County School District is a Level 5 in Overall Academic Growth!!! 5 is the highest level assigned to a school district. This growth has occurred during a very challenging year and our students saw academic gains at the highest level possible.
Congratulations to ALL students and educators!!

Macon County School System's 5-Year Plan 2018-19
State Report Card-Macon County Report Card
The Macon County School System has eight schools with a total population of approximately 3,700 students. All schools have a website that is maintained locally by a teacher or principal of the school. Five of our eight schools have a school-wide Title I program. Those schools are Westside Elementary School, Red Boiling Springs Elementary School, Fairlane Elementary School, Lafayette Elementary School, and Central Elementary School. Three schools participate in a voluntary Pre-K program. Those schools are Fairlane Elementary School, Red Boiling Springs Elementary School, and Westside Elementary School..
Macon County Schools has a Teacher Center that is open or teacher use from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday. Please call before using the Teacher Center in order to make sure it is available. Anyone wanting to use the Teacher Center AFTER 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday must contact Emma McKinney at 615-666-2125 at least one day in advance.
Macon County Schools has a Technology Learning Center used to train teachers in the use of technology. The Technology Learning Center was originally funded by a Goals 2000 Grant written by Patricia Ferguson. The Technology Learning Center is open for teacher use from 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday. Please call before using the Technology Center in order to make sure it is available. Anyone wanting to use the Technology Learning Center AFTER 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday must contact Crystal Hesson at 615-666-2125 at least one day in advance.
Adult Education offers GED day classes for people age 18 and older. Click the Adult Education link for information about Macon County's Adult Education Program.
Work-Base Learning Program offers several work-related programs for high school students including Service Learning, Academy Banking, and Transition Programs.
Macon County School System offers career and technical education to all Macon County 9-12th grade students. For more info, please contact Kathy Cothron at 666-2125 or to email click here.
It is the vision of the Macon County School System to provide all children with a safe and inviting environment to ensure their success. We want to instill in each student high expectations, morals, and respect enabling them to graduate with the knowledge and skills to become productive and responsible citizens.
The Macon County School System inspires and empowers students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship.
Education, which is an on-going process that begins at birth and continues through the adult years, is the responsibility of educators, parents, businesses, and community populations.
All students have the right to educational opportunities that will provide them with the skills, knowledge, and resources which enable them to become healthy, successful, productive citizens.
Student achievement is directly related, but not limited to, a high degree of parental and community involvement through meaningful communication in planning and implementing educational programs and opportunities.
Our system maintains a high focus on improving the achievement of all students